About image


What we are.......... What is our aim.......What we offer......

…driving our classic Italian motor vehicles and offering social activities for members and their families and friends.

…we aim to maintain the awareness and the presence of Italian motor vehicles on South Australia’s public roads.

...activities included monthly breakfast runs, Club organised lunch drives, concourse events and other social activities revolving around our cars.

...all Italian motor vehicles are welcome, from the humble to the glamorous and anyone interested in their conservation and maintenance.

...Italian Made Cars Club provides log books to members conforming to the Road Transport Authority  issued by the Federation of Historic Car Clubs.

...We offer a flexible membership structure to suit all applicants.

Italian Made Cars Club issues a quarterly magazine keeping members up to date with upcoming events and past activities. 

 Monthly meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.00 pm upstairs at the Astor Hotel  437 Pulteney St, Adelaide S.A. 

 Come along to any of our meetings, meet members and enjoy a lively and entertaining evening.